Saturday, August 10, 2013

The House!!

Ok so this post is dedicated to the inside of my house. At least the upstairs. Since we are moving it to our lot and putting it on a new basement I will spare you the dark creepy pictures of the downstairs.. The smell down there was gut wrenching to say the least and several workers gagged! The previous owners had a cat which crawled on the underside rafters??? whatever they are called...they had large plastic sheets stapled to the bottom/ceiling of the basement that created kind of a hammock and the cats...well you know! Ok I will spare you further details...On to the house pictures!!
My kitchen which I absolutely love.. all the cupboard space and counter space and not to mention those amazing windows...We are on a hill so the view will be spectacular. The living room is HUGE! Love all the windows and light and happiness is the wood floors. The house was built in 1956 so these are real wood planks - happiness and joy joy!
The three upstairs bedrooms are all the same size and pretty roomy... Eventually though we will add on the end to create a separate dining room and a master bedroom that fits more than just our bed ;)
The mud room...sooooo happy for this feature. a place for muddy dirty shoes to have a home! to the right of the door is the opening for the downstairs.
The Horrible tiny bathroom with the door that can't open all the way...Really what were they thinking??
There are floor to ceiling closets on the one side of the entire hall..Love the storage space
So there is our happy home! eventually :/ The basement will be to rack and stack our remaining kids at home...The house is 1500 sq feet so when it is finished on the basement it will be 3000 total sq feet. I can't wait to paint and rip out that blue atrocity called a counter don't show it but it is pretty nasty. And there you have it my Craft project I bought on Craigslist...(my hubby has since banned me from anymore purchases on

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