Wednesday, August 14, 2013


In moving a house there are many factors you have to consider and one of them is whether the fireplace and brick facade stay or go. The house's front was completely brick and while it wasn't my first choice of style it was ok and if we kept it we wouldn't have to figure out something to replace it. Then the fireplace issue. It was an extra $2500 to move the fireplace because of the weight and trying to balance the load. And while I like fireplaces and the ambiance of sitting in front of a nice little fire while it is cold outside I wasn't sure it was worth the extra cost of moving it. So we debated and decided to keep the facade and lose the fireplace. It was a nasty thing anyways!! and once it was off we saw the damage the fireplace had done.
Well somehow our wires got crossed and and BOTH the brick facade and the fireplace were ripped off. Leaving a gaping hole in the front of the house.
Our poor little sad house. Now to decide what to decorate her front with????

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