Thursday, November 20, 2014


Tearing things down is kinda fun...the cleanup not so much :/ We tore down the small bit of ceiling downstairs and cleaned out all of the nasty insulation left clinging to the bottom of the house. The upstairs we had to tear out the living room ceiling due to water damage as well as the ceiling in the end bedroom. Kind of satisfying to rip those big chunks down! However, the nasty, moldy,stinky, full of dead critters, blown in rock wall insulation clean up...not so fun! My wonderful son helped do the downstairs ceiling and most of the livingroom ceiling with his friend. My Father also got into the action and helped tear down the bedroom ceiling and then helped bag over 80 contractor black bags of the muck! I pulled out nails galore and staples, staples, and more staples from the rafters. My son did find a little nest, completely intact with 3 little blue eggs, nestled in the insulation. We carefully separated it and found a shadow box to frame it in. The plan is to hang it in the house when it is finished. About the same time we primed the outside of the house, except the one side we didn't have access to. It was so nice to get rid of the gross yellow shingles. What a happy day to remove most of the tyvek! We can now appreciate the view on our hill... I am soo going to love living here.

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