Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Moving 5.7 miles...in the snow

Moving Day!! We were up before the crack of dawn to watch the process of moving the house. Of course we had, had a very clear dry December until the night before our move when it started to snow!! Moving a 64 ton house up a hill in the snow - well lets just say I was a nervous nelly. So I packed all the kidlets in our big ol van and we headed out to view the move. It started a little late and I didn't actually get to capture the pulling out as there was a ton of equipment ..snow plough and a de-icer for the road so there would be no slippage, plus all the workers..etc. etc. So I opted to stay ahead of the entourage and went a couple miles up the road and parked. I was sooo giddy and could hardly contain myself. of course my kiddos thought I was just crazy to stand in snow in freezing weather and stare at the horizon. You could hear the engine on that big ol truck beast as it came creeping up the hill long before they came into view- and then there she was my little house!
Can you see that little bit of roof on the horizon of the road??
My kids were going wild by this time!
Once the beast made the climb up the hill there is a slight decline and then the turn..Everyone was a little anxious about this part the whole stopping and turning onto the side street :/
The Beast!
Turning the corner..slow and steady
Not an everyday sight on an early sunday morning
Another little hill covered in black ice taking 25 minutes to traverse 100 feet. The beast was just screaming and we had our doubts for a few minutes but she made it. See the guy on top?? That little red speck? he had to manually pull the wires over the top of the house as she went under...man I wouldn't want his job.
Finally, last corner and a tight squeeze it was
Just a few branches needing to come down and the street sign needed to be ripped out.
Here is where Beast meets Monster Beast for the pull up the final stretch to her resting place.
This was pretty cool..monster beast wenching beast, who was cabled to my house. Very slow process and only a few feet were gained at a time.
House has cleared the road and is now officially on our land!! We all did a little jig but it was short lived. The wench on the beast broke so we were literally left hanging for a little over a week.
And there she stayed until a new truck could be brought in. I took this picture from my neighbors deck. We were very blessed the house cleared the road as it is the only way in and out of 5 of our neighbors houses.. I don't think we would of had a warm welcome if it hadn't Then after 10 days she was finally in her resting place. For now we are just happy it all went well.